The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is an open packaging system, which runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux as well as other Linux and UNIX systems.

RPM is a powerful Package Manager, which can be used to build, install,pdate, and erase individual software packages.

Red Hat invented the thing, so naturally you will find it in Red Hat Enterprise Linux as well as their less commercial Fedora distro.

Install RPM Package

# rpm -ivh [PACKAGE NAME].rpm

-i - Install a package
-v - Print verbose information
-h - Print hash marks as the package archive is unpacked.

Check dependencies of RPM package

# rpm -qpR [PACKAGE NAME].rpm

-q - Query a package
-p - Queries the uninstalled package
-R - List capabilities on which this package depends

To get know about new RPM package

# rpm -qip [PACKAGE NAME].rpm

-q - Query a package
-i - Display information
-p - Queries the uninstalled package

Upgrade a RPM package

# rpm -Uvh [PACKAGE NAME].rpm

-U - Upgrade
-v - Print verbose information
-h - Print hash marks as the package archive is unpacked.

Remove a RPM package

# rpm -e [PACKAGE NAME].rpm

-e - Erase

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