You can overcome the email sending issues by using the following email relay settings.

cPanel Servers

Login to WHM Panel
Navigate to the "Smarthost support" section of WHM's [Home »Service Configuration »Exim Configuration Manager], then add the relay server's IP preceded by an asterisk.
So in our case:

Smarthost support


We might need to make changes on the SPF record. Replace the current server IP address and add the relay IP.
eg: v=spf1 a mx ip4: ~all

ISP Manager Panel - Exim

Assuming you're installing the yum version of Exim on a CentOS server, you'll need to make two configuration changes. The first is to allow the IP of the mailserver to relay through the smarthost. Open the configuration at /etc/exim/exim.conf, find the line referenced below and edit it by adding the relay server IP at the end as shown below.

hostlist   relay_from_hosts =
eg: hostlist   relay_from_hosts = :

Then, uncomment and change the smarthost section in exim.conf under 'begin routers' line like below:

driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = remote_smtp
route_list = *

Save the modified config file and restart Exim on this server. That's it;

Exim Mail Server(Servers without cPanel)

Assuming you're installing the yum version of Exim on a CentOS server, you'll need to make two configuration changes. The first is to allow the IP of the mailserver to relay through the smarthost. Open the configuration at /etc/exim/exim.conf, find the line referenced below and edit it by adding the relay server IP at the end as shown below.

hostlist   relay_from_hosts =
eg: hostlist   relay_from_hosts = :

Second, you'll need to tell Exim not to listen only on the localhost address for incoming mail, which is the default. Again find the configuration line below and add a hash (#) in front of it to comment it out.

local_interfaces = <; ; ::1

eg: #local_interfaces = <; ; ::1

In some exim versions, there is no 'local_interfaces' field. In such cases, just ignore this step.

Third, uncomment and change the smarthost section in exim.conf like below:

driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = remote_smtp
route_list = *

Save the modified config file and restart Exim on this server. That's it;

Postfix Mail Server
Open your postfix configuration:

vi /etc/postfix/ 
find the line " relayhost " inside the configuration and add the IP or if the line "relayhost" doesn't exist, add it as indicated below:
relayhost =
Save the changes by pressing ESC+ :wq

Then restart the postfix service

service postfix restart

Check the mail working and you are done.

Qmail (Kloxo Servers)

Open the following Qmail configuration file:


Add the following text inside it:,RELAYCLIENT=""

Then save and exit.

Open another configuration file: 


Add the following on it:


Then save and exit.

Restart the xinetd and qmail services:

/etc/init.d/xinetd restart
/etc/init.d/qmail restart

And we are done!

We might need to make changes on the SPF record. Replace the current server IP address and add the relay IP.
eg: v=spf1 a mx ip4: ~all

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